Este el report del equipo de ORL de Holanda que estuvieron en Bushulo y en Gambo en el mes de Abril. Volverán de nuevo el 14 de octubre.
Team report Gambo/Bushulo 5/4/13-19/4/13.
5/4. Since KLM stopped the flights to Addis, we tried therefore Turkish Airlines. Convenient departure time (12.00 am) from Amsterdam, two hours connecting time in Istambul but a late arrival in Addis( 00.15 am). As promised dr Francesco Reyes was there to collect us, we slept comfortably at the mission of the Consolata Brothers.
6/4. We drove to Gambo and were welcomed by Br. Renzo , we had a comfortable bungalow on the compound. Luckily Gabi was on week-end duty so we could inspect the ENT-room and the instruments the same afternoon. Everything was in fine order, Gabi had seen quite a number of patients after the last team had left.Follow up is hampered by the fact that there is no possibility to check the post-operative hearing-gain results, we have to consider to train Gabi in making (screening) audiograms, pre- and post-operatively.
8/4.Patients screening in the OPD, unluckily many patients had discharging ears so they were no candidates for reconstructive surgery. Many patients with an appointment by Gabi did not show up ( as apparent they came later during the week). The OPD is perfect even for two ENT-surgeons there is enough space to work. Patients were scheduled for surgery during the week.
9/4. Patients were seen in the OPD, Kupperman performed a bilateral tympanoplasty ( boy 7 years)
10/4. Patients were seen in the OPD, Hordijk performed a tympanoplasty and an inspection under Microscope ( girl 10 years), the bent ocular system of the microscope was replaced by a straight ocular. The support of Gabi by a second person was discussed with dr Francesco.
11/4. Patients were seen in the OPD. Thanks to the intervention of dr Francesco Gabi’s replacement (Dalu Tesema) was present, luckily we had many illustrative patients for a good lecture session during the morning. Kupperman had two surgical procedures. Both unilateral Tympanoplasty’s type 1.In the afternoon the teaching in the OPD continued.
12/4. Unluckily the patient of today’s surgery did not show up, so only patients at the OPD were seen. In the afternoon we hike in the forest.
13/4. Bushulo’s driver and Sr. Evelyne collected us in the morning. We took the two sets, the btwo burrs and hand pieces to Bushulo. We said goodbye to dr Francesco and Br. Renzo, as well as dr Giovanni ( Italian paediatrician) and the paediatrician dr Abraham. Dr Abraham joined us to Shashamene were we visited the Convent, linked to the convent is a school for the blind, an orphanage and a clinic. According to both paediatricians there will be some patients to be seen by the next EARDROP team. So it is good that they are aware of the dates of the next team.
arrival which is October 14. ( after our return in the Netherlands it appeared that this date is less suitable for the selected teammembers, we have to discuss the possibility to postpone the dates to January 2014???, this has to be discussed during our next workgroup meeting on 7/5)
Surgery 4 patients
OPD: 100 plus patients
Points of action for Gambo:
We left the surgical sets in Bushulo, it is our hope that the ENT-surgeons of Awassa ( Muluken/Getachev) will use these instruments during the next 7 months, in return they will see patients in the OPD in Bushulo), the instruments has to be brought back in due time for the next team returns to Ganbo hospital
Early and wide announcement of the arrival of the next team ( information to the participants involved, Gabi, anaesthetist, OR,surgeon)
-audiometer ( screening) for pre and post- operative evaluation .
-training of Gabi to perform reliable audiometry.
-expansion to two times two weeks per year ?? ( see Bushulo remarks)
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